Long-Term Financing for Your Short-Term Vacation Rental Home!

Smart Underwriting Based on Projected Daily Rental Rates & Occupancy Rates For Wherever You Want Your Ideal Location Home!

No Personal Debt To Income Ratios!

No Tax Returns!

Loans underwritten for business owners, self-employed borrowers, and foreign nationals!

Protect Your Identity & Assets By Funding Your NewCo, LLC

Funding Your AirBnb, STR & Vacation Rental is Now Made Simple!

Financing Up to 80% on Your STR Acquisitions | 75% on STR Cash-Out Refinances

Where is your ideal place?

  • The Ocean
  • The Mountains
  • The Lake
  • The River
  • The Woods
  • The Quaint Town
  • The Big City

What is your ideal experience?

  • Hiking
  • Skiing
  • Surfing
  • Kayaking
  • Sailing

Where do you want your ideal location home?

“Every man, every woman, carries in heart and mind the image of the ideal place, the right place, the one true home, known or unknown, actual or visionary.

Ideal Location Homes was born from a unique convergence of passions and expertise. At its heart, the foundation of our company is deeply rooted in our founders’ love for nature and a dedication to supporting nature advocacy programs (through ideallocation.org). This passion for the outdoors was matched by years of human-powered adventures, where staying in vacation rental properties across numerous idyllic locations became not just a necessity but a source of inspiration. However, it was our background in commercial real estate analyzing income properties based on their financial performance and an investment grade, that truly set the direction for what Ideal Location Homes would become.

Our journey began with a clear vision: to address the growing challenge within the vacation property market, particularly the limitations surrounding financing. We noticed that many owners and investors were eager to dive into the short-term vacation rental market, capitalizing on the surge of travelers turning to platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.

The demand was undeniable, as optimized short term rentals can earn up to 150% more income than long term rentals, yet mainstream financing options lagged behind, often making it difficult for investors to secure loans for these types of investment properties.

The gap in the market sparked the inception of Ideal Location Homes. Leveraging our founders’ commercial real estate acumen, we embarked on creating a solution that would not only address this financing gap but create an investment grade for short term rentals. Our approach was simple yet innovative: implement smart underwriting practices that evaluate a vacation rental property’s income potential through a data-driven analysis of daily rental and occupancy rates. By integrating this methodology with best-in-class partnerships, we crafted an ideal solution tailored to the unique needs of the short-term rental investor.

Our mission is clear: to empower investors with the financial tools and insights needed to thrive in the dynamic world of vacation rentals, ensuring they have the support to turn their investment dreams into reality.

Funding Your Vacation Rental Home Dreams

Hosting Made Easy

Leverage Data Driven Analysis

By adopting a data-driven approach you can better identify opportunities, manage investments efficiently, and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive vacation rental market.

  1. Utilize Data-Driven Insights: Leverage extensive market research and investment analysis tools to identify high-potential locations and properties for vacation rentals.
  2. Optimize Pricing Strategies: Employ pricing optimization tools to ensure competitive yet profitable nightly rates, adjusting for seasonality and market demand.
  3. Monitor Market Trends: Regularly review market insights to stay ahead of industry trends, adjust strategies accordingly, and identify new investment opportunities.
  4. Invest Strategically: Use comprehensive analytics to make informed decisions about property acquisitions, focusing on areas with high occupancy rates and revenue potential.

Elevate Your Experiences

While Elevating Your Return on Investment

DIY | Do It Your Self Vacation Rental Home
No Upfront Fee
1% Loan Underwriting Fee Upon Closing
This plan is perfect if you already have a property under contract or ready to refinance
You do your market research
Provide us Your Property
We Fund up to 80% | 1 Point at Closing
We Fund Your LLC
Contact Us For Todays Rates
Get started Get started
DWY | Done With You Vacation Rental Home
Per Month | 6 Month Retainer
No Points at Closing!
This plan is perfect if you are planning to buy in next 12 months and need research asssitance
Get started Get started
DFY | Done For You Vacation Rental Investment
One Time Investment
For Accredited Investors Only
Invest in Rest We Do the Rest. This plan is perfect if you just want passive income & appreciation participation.
We Find the Property
You Particpate in Ownership as Limited Partner
We Manage the Property
You Earn Quarterly Income
You Particpate in Property Appreciation
Passive Investment
Apply to Waiting List Apply to Waiting List

Ideal LocationHomes

Your Path To Vacation Rental Revenue